When the sun is shining and the crops look at their fullest just before harvest, there is nothing we like better than to show the farm at its best.
We have been lucky enough to have the Colchester Coeliac Group around in mid June. Beryl Whittingham, the group’s organiser brought a coach of 35 people to do a tour at Glebe Farm Food’s.
As well as being able to see how the gluten free ranges were made, including Glebe Farm Food’s bulk porridge oat range and retail packs of gluten free porridge oats, muesli and granolas, flours and mixes, guests where invited into the farmhouse kitchen for a cup of tea and a slice of ginger and chocolate cake.
Later at the end of June, a group of 30 local business members of The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) came over. Visitors where given the full tour of the facilities.
Many were impressed over the size of operation and to know that Glebe Farm Food is probably the largest grower and processor of gluten free oats in Europe.

Malcolm Lyons, the Huntingdonshire branch chairman gave the vote of thanks and liked to see this kind of agri-food business succeeding in farming’s uncertain times. He said “https://www.glebefarmfoods.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Glebe-Farm-Foods-Porridge-Oats-450g-NEW-2.jpg was growing and exporting and bringing investment into the rural economy of Cambridgeshire.”
https://www.glebefarmfoods.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Glebe-Farm-Foods-Porridge-Oats-450g-NEW-2.jpg are FSB members, thanks to the work place pensions, insurance, advice and lobbying support. Rebecca said she was pleased to welcome fellow business owners to the farm to gain knowledge through networking and events. For further details on FSB see www.fsb.org.uk/bedscambsherts
Last but not least, the local Riptons Womens Institute came round. Their previous visit had been about 8 years ago during Glebe’s organic days. They had certainly noticed a transformation from the farm’s past to present, with new buildings and new laid concrete.
We welcome groups to come and tour the farm.
Please ring the office 01487 773282 or email us on [email protected] and book a day.